Topic outline
Welcome to A level Business!
The first year of this linear course will introduce you to the dynamic business environment and the importance of entrepreneurial activity in creating business opportunities and sustaining business growth. You will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of essential skills required for A level, higher education and employment.
Written examination: 2 hours and 15 minutes
33 1/3% of the qualification
Business Opportunities focuses on new business start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The content in this section is based around the concept of starting a new business and the issues that surround the process of planning a new business. In addition to covering the main concepts of setting up a new business, you should be aware of other types of business organisations and the markets they operate in and their various stakeholders.
Business Functions broadens the context and will include all types of business organisations, ranging from recently formed small businesses to well-established multinational companies. You will need to understand that, in order to succeed in a competitive market, all businesses have to consider the core functions of business.
Collectively the two areas covered in this component will give learners an understanding of the important role played by small businesses in the economy and the opportunities that exist for entrepreneurs, as well as the importance of established businesses and not-for-profit organisation in providing goods and services.