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  • Oxford provide a variety of resources which are also very useful for Cambridge applicants - and vice versa. Please check the links below.

    Our Local Authority has recently been linked with St Hilda’s College - - although, as with Cambridge, this is meant to be an enabling rather than a disabling link for applications, and would not preclude applications or contacts with any other colleges.

    Entry to most courses is made on the basis of three A levels at A*AA grades (or minimum of Maths A*A*A with A* in Maths and Further Maths) or, rarely in the Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences AAA. These tend to be specialist and minority and therefore slightly less concerned with specific A level performance (though still cleaving to that minimum). Discretion and variation are possible.

    It is essential, now more than ever, that you check grade requirements here as elsewhere.

    Specific A levels will be required for specific courses and some will also require other further material. Oxford operate an extensive pre-testing regime using tests external to the university (BMAT, LNAT, TSA Oxford), or set by the university in advance (HAT, PAT, ELAT, etc) or taken at interview. Oxford will also usually ask for submitted work (completed for your A levels) in advance of interviews. Not every College offers every subject.

    You must check both subject and college requirements carefully. I recommend that you look closely at individual college websites as well as the main Oxford site - they have a wealth of helpful information and advice.