Section: NOTICES | 3D PRODUCTS Year 2 | GoL

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    Your work will be assessed by your subject teachers and will be standardised (checked) by the Head for Department. An AQA moderator will visit the department and review the work and the marks – the moderator can change the marks up or down.

    It is also worth noting that the grade boundaries can change each year and are decided once moderation has taken place.

    The following work will be assessed:

    Component 1 Personal Investigation (60%): Mark out of 96

    Component 2 Externally Set Assignment (40%): Mark out of 96

    Each component is assessed using the following four assessment objectives. The total mark for each assessment objective is 24

    AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

    AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

    AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.

     AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

    The marks will be available for you to see from 9am Monday 20th May

    Rules for Working in the workshop


    The biggest danger in the D&T room is YOU! You are at risk when you don’t understand the hazards or you are careless, or both. The person most likely to suffer from your mistakes is YOU! Report any accident, spillage or breakage to your teacher.


    1. Only enter a D&T room when told to do so by Ben (Head of Design). Never rush about or throw things in a D&T room. Keep your work area and floor area clear, with bags and coats well out of the way.


    2. Follow instructions precisely; only touch or use tools, equipment, machines and materials when told to do so by a Ben; never remove anything from any D&T room without permission.


    3. Wear eye protection when told to do so and keep it on until you have finished the work that needs the eye protection.


    4. When using naked flames (eg, gas torches in workshops, make sure that ties, hair, baggy clothing etc are tied back or tucked away.


    5. Always stand up when doing practical work in workshops so you can quickly move out of the way if you need to.


    6. Always wash your hands carefully when handling any chemicals/glues at the end of lessons in all areas.


    8. If you are scalded, burnt or a chemical splashes on your skin, wash the affected part at once with lots of water. Tell Ben or Malcolm. Also report any cuts or abrasions.


    10. Report all spillage of any substance to Ben or Malcolm.



    Component 2 prep work to be submitted 29th April 4:00pm (not returned)


    Group A -

    Group B -


    We are now moving over to Solidworks as the design CAD and you can install a 'light' version on your home computor with this link. MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL THE 2017-2018 VERSION

    Below are instructions on downloading the home user licenses for students.




    You will have to fill out the form on the SOLIDWORKS website. You will have to populate the first box (SDK ID) with the code 92017SDK – once the form is complete you will be taken through to a new page to download the media and you will receive a personal serial key, sent via email to the email address they register. I would also recommend taking a look at some of the useful links below.

    Useful Solidworks links: