Topic outline
2019-20 C Block Working Glossary URL
If you are in Adam and David's C block group - this your main working glossary with all the terms and theories for 2019-20
G Block Working Glossary URL
Our shared working glossary for the spoken side of the course.
English Language Full Working Glossary URL
A working glossary for A block 2020.
Working glossary of all the terms, theories and concepts URL
This is an on-going project to help you revise for mocks and for the actual exams. We will work together to provide worked examples of all the terms, where all of them are used in a piece of sample analysis. You should make a copy and fill out one of the columns on your own.
Please take the grammatical aspect you have been given, on the slide you have been given, and fill out the box ready to present back to the class.
Email the slide to each other in your group and would one student please email the single completed slide back to me, please.
You will need A3 paper, and headphones.