Topic outline

  • Research Methods Quizzes

    • Outline and explain two reasons why interpretivists would use qualitative data.

      • The format of this question should be in 2 main paragraphs using the "burger" model outlined earlier on the course.
      • You may use a very brief introductory paragraph but only to explain key terms (in this case, what is a positivist?).
      • You should try to use examples from your reading, from classwork, booklets or supplementary work. "Real world" examples are relevant as well.
      • As with all 10 mark questions no conclusion is required and there are no marks on the mark scheme for evaluation. However, the use of counterarguments may enhance the depth of your answer (and your mark).
      • Because of the lack of time restriction, we have set an absolute 1300 word limit. You need not write up to this limit - we will take account of the focus, clarity and conciseness of your answer.
      • You will have only one chance to submit your answer. Plan and prepare it before submitting.
    • Outline and explain two reasons why positivists use quantitative data

      • Again, the format of this question should be in 2 main paragraphs using the "burger" model outlined earlier on the course.
      • You may use a very brief introductory paragraph but only to explain key terms (in this case, what is a positivist?).
      • Again, don't forget to use examples from your reading, either from our classwork, our booklets or from any supplementary work you have done including contemporary examples..
      • As with all 10 mark questions no conclusion is required and there are no marks on the mark scheme for evaluation. However, the use of counterarguments may enhance the depth of your answer (and your mark).
      • There is a strict 1300 word limit. You may only submit your answer once. Take care with it.