• Accessing Additional Support

    • Assessment for Exam Arrangements


      Exam regulations now require more evidence to support applications for extra time and other arrangements in examinations. We have to provide a portfolio of evidence that includes the following information:

      • History of need - a Form 8 from your previous school or college which can confirm your previous exam arrangements and support is the most important and useful document; please make sure it is signed and dated in order for it to be valid for our use.
      • Assessment by qualified Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher that includes at least one Standardised Score under 85.
      • History of support.
      • Previous use of extra time in exams, writing samples, mock exam papers etc.
      • Previous use of a Reader or Scribe in exams.


      Time is very tight to gather all this information and update assessment needs, including, if necessary, re-assessing students.

      Please send any Form 8s, reports or assessments as soon as possible to:

      Jan Lusty (JTL@godalming.ac.uk)

      Many thanks to all those who have already sent in Form 8s, reports and assessments.

      We will also gather evidence and assess students who need to use a computer and /or a Reader or Scribe in exams.


      New referrals for assessment

      We will conduct a pre-assessment first to decide if a full assessment is required. Assessments are conducted based on priority of need. However, all students can access support immediately via Drop In Study Support in the ILC, Room 235.