Wellbeing & Counselling
Find the right resource for you, below are a list of resources to use externally for a range of subjects.
All emergency issues call -
Dial 999 if you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency
Police surrey dial 101 or www.surrey.police.uk
Police Hampshire dial 101 or www.hampshire.police.uk
Police Sussex dial 101 or www.sussex.police.uk
Samaritans 24-hour helpline - 116 123
Childline - 0800 1111
Shout https://www.giveusashout.org/get-help/ or text shout - 85258
Young minds crisis messenger - text ym to 85258
Hopelineuk - https://papyrus-uk.org
Abuse -
Rape & sexual abuse centre - 01483 546400
Childline - 0800 1111 or http://www.childline.org.uk
Forced marriage unit - 0207 008 0151 or www.gov.uk/stop-forced-marriage
Victim support - young victims of crime, you & co - www.youandco.org.uk (support for victims of abuse or neglect in surrey)
Alcoholism -
Al anon - 0899 99986 811 or www.al-anonuk.org.uk/send-an-email/
Catalyst (used to be surrey alcohol & drug advisory service) 01483 590150, text 07909 631623
National association for children of alcoholics www.nacoa.org.uk or 0800 358 3456 (support, advice, helpline)
Carers -
Action for carers surrey: www.actionforcarers.org.uk
Action for Young Carers (If you are under 18)- www.surrey-youngcarers.org.uk
Counselling -
Local youth counselling at YMCA Downslink group - dialogue counselling service www.ymcadig.org/where-we-work/guildford/
Godalming college counsellors - counsellor@godalming.ac.uk
Irelate counselling for young people 10-18 - www.relatewestsurrey.org.uk/irelate-for-children-and-young-people
Mind - www.mind.org.uk/information-support/for-young-people/
Depression -
Papyrus (support & education for those concerned about depression or suicidality in a friend or family member) - www.papyrus-uk.org
Mental health foundation - www.mentalhealthfoundation.org.uk
Depression - Living Life to the Full | helping you help yourself (llttf.com)
Students against depression - http://www.studentsagainstdepression.org
Drugs -
Frank (confidential drugs line) - 0300 1236600 or text 82111 www.talktofrank.com
Catalyst (was surrey alcohol & drug advisory service) - 01483 590-150
Catalyst the reach out project - 01483-445-177 or www.catalystsupport.org.uk/reach-out-counselling-2/
Eating disorders -
Beat - 0808 801 0677 or www.b-eat.co.uk
Youthline (Under 18s) - 0808 801 0711
Studentline - 0808 801 0811
Family -
Relate - www.relatewestsurrey.org.uk/irelate-for-children-and-young-people/
General helplines & self-help sites -
Samaritans (24-hour helpline) - 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.
A tool for self-expression & mental health - www.bigwhitewall.com
A professional counsellor or psychotherapist www.counselling-directory.org.uk
LGTBQ+ support -
Lesbian & gay switchboard (10am to 10pm)- 0300 330 0630
London friend (lgbt counselling, support, hotline) - 0207 837 3337 or www.londonfriend.org.uk
Outcrowd at outline - www.outlinesurrey.org.uk/outcrowd
Stonewall (the lesbian, gay and bisexual charity) - www.stonewall.org.uk
Men's issues -
The calm zone (campaign against living miserably – site for men’s concerns including evening helpline) - www.thecalmzone.net or 0800 58 58 58
Mental health -
Mental health foundation (information and tools for learning about and dealing with mental illness) - www.mentalhealthfoundation.org.uk
Depression - http://llttf.com
First step - http://firststeps-surrey.nhs.uk/
Royal college of psychiatrists - http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/info
Psych central - http://psychcentral.com
Rape & sexual abuse -
Rape and sexual abuse support centre RASASC - www.rasasc.org
RASASC helpline Mondays to Thursday 7.30pm-9.30pm or 0800 0288022
Guildford office (for youth counselling and family support services) - 01483 568000
Self-harming -
Use the app calmharm (recommended by students) - https://calmharm.co.uk/
National self-harm network - www.nshn.co.uk
Sexual health & Pregnancy -
HIV& sexual health helpline - 0800 137437
Sexual health info helpline - 0800 567123
NHS direct - 0845 4647
Pregnancy advisory service bpas - www.bpas.org