ILC Library
Websites, subscriptions & links
Site - to access click on the links below Username Password User access Babel - English Language Magazine Unlimited Institutional access to the digital content Englishlanguage Unlimited BBC History Magazine Extra godcol 1 user Broadcast GodColl22 1 user Creative Review Creativegodalming1 1 user Complete Issues Files godcol info Unlimited Drama Online Access in College by IP address
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Login from home: Drama456Unlimited Dynamic Learning/Hodder Education A Level Magazines Archive - direct link from College or home. Institutional ID: 17033 Godalming College1 Unlimited e-Books (ProQuest e-Book Central) In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Your College password Unlimited Economist tuesleylane 1 user e-magazine godalming emag1 Unlimited Financial Times (Free FT for Schools) - select this link to register for the service, using your College email account & choose your own password Unlimited Gale OneFile News (International Newspaper and Journal Archive) College: no need to log in.
From home: select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-inUnlimited Gale Databases - This website includes many cross-searchable databases: Gale-ebooks (Database, with a strong USA bias, of encyclopaedias and specialized reference sources); Gale OneFile News (full text newspaper resource for global publications includes images, broadcasts and transcripts); Gale Academic OneFile; Gale Primary Sources; NewsVault (includes Historical Newspapers, such as the Burney collection & 19th century UK Periodicals and Newspapers); Historical Archives for the Financial Times, The Economist, The Independent, The Times and Global Business Insights Unlimited Grove's Dictionary of Art Unlimited Grove's Dictionary of Music Unlimited Gut (German language website) 3555 college Unlimited Historical Association Godalming Godalming123 Unlimited History Today godalming history 10 users Issues Online Access by IP address in College
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Login from home: 3063Unlimited JSTOR Secondary Schools Collection In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Unlimited JSTOR Music Collections Unlimited Massolit (Website providing over 4,000 short video lectures, from the world's best academics for English Literature, History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Ancient History, Classics, Government and Politics, Sociology, Chemistry and Physics) Create your own account, using your College email address. Click on 'Create an Account', found at the top right of Massolit homepage, selecting either student or teacher & then finding 'Godalming College' from the drop down list & entering your details. Can re-set your password here too. Unlimited Media Magazine (Media Magazine with archive) godcol media Unlimited Nature (Science website) In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Unlimited Naxos Music Library GodalmingMM 4%Qr8uU7 5 users New Law Journal godalming1 online01 Unlimited New Oxford Shakespeare Unlimited New Scientist Remember to logout when finished Godalming123 1 user New Statesman newstatesman 1 user Nursery World Godalming1* 1 user Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-inUnlimited Oxford English Dictionary Unlimited Oxford Foreign Language Dictionaries Unlimited Oxford Journals Unlimited Oxford Reference Unlimited Oye (Spanish language website) 1341 godalming Unlimited Philosophy Now Access by IP address only within College Unlimited (in College) Press Reader
- unlimited access to thousands of magazines and newspapersIn College no need to log in. From home select libraries option/type in Godalming College and register using your college email and password. This will now be your personal log-in. Downloadable App. Unlimited Proquest Databases - includes UK Newspaper and Journal Archives, e-books, videos, websites In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Unlimited Prospect 255502 1 user Science online In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in digital Unlimited Scientific American Remember to log out when finished Godalming123 1 user Screen Daily Remember to log out when finished film 1 user Selvedge (Art & Textiles Magazine) In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Unlimited Sight and Sound Magazine GodColl1 1 user Stage Digital Magazine GodColl22 1 user TES (Times Educational Supplement) Godalming1 education 1 user Think Online Philosophy Journal
In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-inUnlimited godalming-college Godalming123 Unlimited Very short introductions (802 e-books on many different subjects) In College: no need to log in. From home: Select Shibboleth/ Godalming College & use your usual college log-in Unlimited Which? Which1godalming 1 user World Today GodColWorld1 1 user Zut (French language website) 3395 godalming Unlimited
* Some of these sites have access to a limited number of users at one time. If you cannot get on to a site, try again later.
* Some of these sites can only be accessed from within Godalming College under the terms of our subscription.