Topic outline
Academic Year 2022/23
Welcome to Graphic Design: This page includes Course Information, Essay Guides and Sketchbook Inspiration. Also you will find information on Art Foundation Courses, Photos of Art and Textiles Shows and Material Suppliers.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - EXPECTATIONS FROM SUMMER HOLIDAYSBy this point we are expecting the following:- 30 pages of prep for your personal study
- All outcomes planned, tested and evaluated.
- All work must be presented in your design books.
- All work must be annotated with insightful reflections.
- Signposting added to each page. Make sure it is clear what your design intentions and thought processes are.
- A5 books should be progressing well.
- 1000 words of your 3000 word personal study essay needs to be written.
- All suggested improvements should be completed from your last BM.
- Your designs should be tried and tested using Graphic Burger mock ups.
If you have any questions please let Armand or Emma know.
PROJECTS FROM LAST YEAR - To access projects from Graphics Year 1, click here