Topic outline
Academic Year 2023/24
Welcome to Graphic Design: This page includes Course Information, Essay Guides and Sketchbook Inspiration. Also, you will find information on Art Foundation Courses, Photos of Art and Textiles Shows and Material Suppliers.
· Microsoft Teams
Login to Office 365 to access Teams. For 'how to login to Office 365' click here.
· Weekly Homework's
All homework tasks will be briefed weekly by your lead teacher and are uploaded on Teams. Your homework should consist of 2 A4 pages each week which evidence 5 hours of work. Complete each homework by the required deadline. Please ensure that your work is printed, presented and annotated and bring to your required lesson. Please take great care in the presentation of your work.
· Communication
If you have any problems with the tasks set out in the homework assignments please contact your lead teacher by email or on Teams chat. Emma Stepney or Armand Cordero or Rachel Collyer· Technical Support
If you require any technical support, please contact your graphics technicians via Teams chat or email. Isabel Ribeiro Matias or Ruby Whittaker first benchmark assessment will be on Tuesday 31 October. We will assess both your classwork and homework tasks. See your Teams group for a recap list of the CW and HW. Please ensure that all work is handed in by 4.15pm in room 926
Homework's and classwork's should be up to date, presented and annotated with insightful reflections. All homework's should evidence 5 hours effort each week and all work should be completed to the best of your ability. Good luck and work hard!!