OOP Aggregation Tasks
This is really short! but there are monster tasks AND the start of NEA to do this week!
Hopefully, you have already watched the tutorial: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/3891b4dc-7f11-4d88-85f0-f886c4f79fea
Last week you completed some questions that asked to model a real-world situation as classes. Create a class diagram for your example explain why you chose to use either Composition or association for your model. IF you don't think your model has any aggregation then you will need to choose a different model..
Good examples could be: Sports teams/ gaming / cars /workplaces/ food / family event. in fact almost anything!
Please use an HEAD with the questions clearly numbered. ideally, you would convert the document to a pdf before uploading as it helps out server with online marking
Make sure you have a good trawl around the web. try to find tutorials and explanations that give a different example to me.. make sure you really understand the concepts