5) Conservation Laws
Completion requirements
Opens: Friday, 16 June 2028, 12:00 AM
Due: Sunday, 25 June 2028, 12:00 AM
I have now uploaded the Fifth lesson for Particle Physics.
- Watch my Recorded lesson on Microsoft Stream: 5) Conservation Laws
- In the video you will need to fill out the attached document (Conservation Practice.doc)
- Answer the Test Yourself Questions in the e-book questions on page 29, 31, 36
- Self mark them from the Hodder Answers online
- Answer the IOP worksheet attached, TAP535-1. Try this without using your notes as much as possible, and self mark - the answers are at the end.
- Upload ALL your workings for these tasks below. This us due for Saturday 16th May at midnight.
- Attend the tutorial for your class (see Joe's timetable)
Here's the playlist for all the videos: https://web.microsoftstream.com/channel/4ae47321-7d3b-441a-ba27-0b4ee044f653
- 10 September 2023, 2:01 PM
- 10 September 2023, 2:01 PM