Induction Assignment
Computing Induction Assignment
As with all of your computing homework’s details of this assignment are available for you to view on the Moodle Course Site on Godalming Online (GOL)
There are 5 parts to this assignment. The deadline is for you to complete all sections and submit evidence to the COMPUTER SCIENCE Y1 Course Site. You will only have full access to this course site from Friday 9th September. Therefore the deadline for this assignment is Friday 16th September so you will have had at least one lesson where you can ask a teacher for help. If you are unsure about anything please just ask! We are asking you to do several things that you may never have done before and understand you may need help.
1. Download and store the Homework electronic Answer Document (HeAD)
This is located
at the top of the Computing Godalming Online site. It is in MSWord format If you don't have MSWord you should access Office365 from the HELP menu onGOL and download the version that is free for students of Godalming College.
2. Download, install and register Visual Studio.
This is a free integrated development Environment available from Microsoft.... There are several versions available!
You will need a Microsoft account to download and install either of these versions
- Visual Studio 2022 Community (This is MICROSOFT'S preferred version. It works well even on older machines)
Download here: -
Visual Studio for Mac is also downloadable from here.
We will code in Python which is supported by Visual Studio (and is better featured than IDLE). Please discuss with us regarding other coding languages.
This is a test of your ability to follow the instructions Microsoft provides as well as ensuring you a ready to start programming on week one of the course.
To prove that you have done this take a screen shot (alt + Print Screen) and paste it into the "HeAD" document (we will accept any file format that can be opened easily on a Windows Based PC). Save this as "VS Screenshot" and submit it to this assignment.
3. Research course and post on to the Yr1 Comp Sci 22-23 Team Site
currently have guest access to the GOL Computing course site. Read the information in the “Student guide" to computing. Look especially at the “ Specification ” in the course handbook area.
Reply to my “Post: What am I most looking forward to ”
in the Induction Channel of Teams (You may only be able to do this once you have been given your timetables). You should feel free to respond to each other's posts if you want to.
4. Sneaky Logic Problem
Computing is all about solving problems. You should find a Logic problem (eg. The farmer taking a fox, a chicken and some grain across a river problem) and Post it on to the Yr1 Comp Sci 22-23 Team Site.
We are happy for you to take problems from any source (eg. books or the web). The problem should be solvable but please don’t post the solutions to your own problems on the Forum. Try to solve other problems (without cheating)... we
will be looking at how problems can be solved early in the course.
5. GCSE Questions
I have set an assignment on SenecaLearning. You will need to join a class by following this link
The link will go through the basics of algorithms and asks a few questions along the way. Please complete the assignment by the deadline. It isn't too difficult and should take around 30 mins (if you haven't done the GCSE course, you should be able to pick everything up through the embedded videos).
As well as the Assignment I have added access to all the GCSE computer science exam boards for you to revise if you wish.
Marks will be awarded for the completion of all tasks by the deadline. Bonus marks will be awarded for particularly good logic problems or ones that have significance to the field of computing.
- 12 September 2023, 9:17 AM