Introductory Reflections
Please write a few sentences below on what you hope to get out of the Mindfulness +Explore option.
1) You might like to include why you chose the course and what knowledge/experience you have of mindfulness or meditation.
2) You might like to set yourself a target for this course. What would success look like for you in this area? (Try to be as precise as possible, as this makes it easier to help you progress) It might be to meditate a certain number of times, to use an app a certain number of times, or to be more in tune with your feelings, or more aware of nature, or able to react rather than respond in stressful situations, or to be kinder to others in some way. Any target that will help you to be more aware of who you are and how you behave.
3) Feel free to give any feedback on the sessions we have already had or to ask any questions that you would like answered in future sessions. Perhaps there is an aspect of mindfulness that you would particularly like to learn more about, if so write about this here.
Please bear in mind that this is not an assignment or piece of work that will be assessed in any way. It is more a useful way for you to record your feelings about the course. We will be filling in another reflection midway through the course, and then again at the end of the course.