
ResearchYou've probably already guessed that knowledge doesn't magically appear in books or on websites. In those cases (or, at least, for the more reliable books and webpages), someone has had to find, collect together and sift through a lot of sources to create their text. Teachers constantly have to research their subject and their skills to make sure you are getting the best and most up to date education they can provide. Businesses need to research their products and market on a regular basis to stay ahead of their competitors.

Research is going on all around you every day. It's invaluable in the modern world, and therefore a very important skill to master!


Creating a research-based project, whether it's coursework, an EPQ, or an extended assignment, should - if done right - increase your enthusiasm for a subject, give you a sense of achievement, and deepen your understanding and knowledge.

The downside, of course, is that it can be very demanding - it may be the largest amount you've ever had to write (so far), and will therefore involve a lot of preparation. If you don't use your time wisely, you could find your motivation and interest quickly declines until deadline panic sets in...


Research2But this course is here to help you avoid the possible pitfalls and instead embrace the triumph of a job well done! 

We will break down each of the major steps needed to complete that research project:

so that you can see how to get the work done from start to finish...