
love to readDo you love to read? Are you the sort of person who just can't wait to disappear inside a book?

Or are you someone who will find any excuse to avoid words on a page? Maybe wait for the movie...?


In education, there's no escaping the need to read. It remains one of the best ways to learn - giving you independent study skills, research skills, language skills, and a lot more besides. You are, of course, reading this online book now and probably hoping it will give you some tips on how to make reading easier - especially when you have to read lots of things you may not choose to!

And it will.


In this course, we will look at:

So if any of the above sounds useful to you, keep reading...


If you're worried about how to read any of the pages of this short course, and you're on a college computer, go straight to the Read & Write Gold instructions and let that program read everything for you!!