Employability Skills
– Developing your Core Competencies -
Probably without knowing it, every day you are developing skills which employers are looking for.
This short course looks at 10 of the Core Competencies which an employer might be looking for in a job applicant and helps you to analyse which of these you already have and which you may need to develop further.
During a job application process you may be asked to demonstrate how you have developed these qualities. By working through the questions in the Review Quiz worksheet at the end of this course, you will be better prepared for your future job applications. Not all the questions will be applicable for every job, but try to think of answers to all of them and keep your work to refer to in the future.
To complete this course, you need to read through the separate competency chapters, and then complete and upload the Review worksheet of competency questions at the end.
You could open the worksheet now and have it ready to answer the questions as you work through each section of this course book, or you can complete it after you have finished reading all the sections.
For further advice on developing these skills or preparing for job applications and interviews, contact the Careers department.
The ideas throughout this course are adapted from http://read.pwc.com/i/391324-employability-brochure.