Final Hand-in for EPQ (not ETQ) - one week to go!

Final Hand-in for EPQ (not ETQ) - one week to go!

by Anne Lancaster -
Number of replies: 0

This is a reminder that the hand-in date for EPQ is next Friday the 12th February 2021 on GOL.  The cut-off time is 23.59.

You are strongly advised NOT to leave it until the last minute.  Late submission – by whatever margin - will require an application to extend the deadline to be submitted.

If you have genuinely extenuating circumstances, such as significant illness causing lost time, making it impossible to meet the deadline then any application to extend the deadline should be made and approved in advance

 What to hand in is flagged up below.  There are extensive notes on GOL for the assignment itself.

 Please note:

 On this date you should hand in the appropriate things from this list:

 1. Candidate Record Sheet signed by you to say it is all your own work - everyone

 2. Completed Full Project Proposal Form - everyone

 3. Project Log-everyone

 4. One of the following:

  • For the Dissertation Route (01):

Research Review/Research Record Table, Abstract, Dissertation (referenced and with a Bibliography)

  • For the Investigation Route (02):

Research Review/Research Record Table, Abstract, Investigation (referenced and with a Bibliography

  • For the Artefact Route (04):

Research Essay (referenced and with a Bibliography)

The appropriate selection of such things as: sketch book images, Images of the completed Artefact, development sound files, final musical piece.  See GOL assignment for the complete list

     5. Slides for the Presentation - everyone

     6. Evaluation of your Project - everyone


You MUST also upload the final version of your main piece of written work for similarity checking by Turnitin in the period 06/02/21 to 19/02/21 via the EPQ Godalming Online Site.  THIS SHOULD BE DONE IN THE WEEK OF THE HAND-IN but there is a grace period in case of problems.