Database homework due 6th October

Database homework due 6th October

by Dal Sandhu -
Number of replies: 2

Please continue with your Hamster Club database work and upload your database to GOL when you are finished.

Your database should have the following:

  • three tables: Member, Hamster and Breed (or tblMember etc)
  • correct primary keys, foreign keys and other attributes
  • correct datatypes for all attributes
  • correct one-to-many relationships between tables using the Relationship editor
  • validation: only allow breeds with a life expectancy greater than 1 year,  and only allow valid email addresses and postcodes
  • all the data from the worksheet added to the tables (or at least, enough to test your query)
  • a query which outputs a list of members who own Chinese Dwarf hamsters 
  • a query which requests the breed name from the user and then outputs all members who own a hamster of that breed

Once finished, please upload your MSAccess database file here: Hamster DatabaseAssignment by 6pm on 6th October.

You can access your homedrive (where you will have saved your database) by using Help / My Files in Godalming online.

I have attached the worksheet incase you need it.