Monster Code Programming Extensions
Monster Code Program Extensions
These were originally used for the 2012 Exam….. Is there a difference in how you code them in the structured paradigm and the Object oriented paradigm?
1) CheckValidMove
You can currently move off the board… Validate the move so you can’t!
2) SaveGame/LoadGame (this is already done in the structured version)
Just an array dump/load will do…. Streamreader/writer is already a class so uses oop syntax
3) When you hit “M” it returns to the main menu… add an option to continue with the game.. ( a smidge dull!)
4) Change the number of traps in the cavern… ( quite nice for comparing structured Vs OOP)
5) Change Cavern size…
6) Teleport Player… on pressing “T” the player moves to a new random position
7) New type of trap…. Same as a trap BUT the player teleports randomly when activating
8) New type of enemy … only moves one square at a time.
9) PitOfDoom. A new item in the cavern . if he player hits they die.. if the monster hits it they win
10) New item in the cavern “BFG” allows you to shoot horizontally/vertically once per go making the monster sleep for one go.