Use this area to record your peer to peer feedback for each other.
Nil Yildiz
Nil I loved your gestures in the beginning as well as your interaction with charlotte at the beginning when you were seated I felt it was a great choice for the monologue. I felt though when you stood up you could have included the audience a bit more, especially when you were talking about hatred and anger. I just want to say I wouldn't of giving you a 3.5 upon reflection, I agree with the four 1000%. (CVDB)
I thought that your use of Charlotte was very effective and your use of gestures really conveyed the memories that your character was going through during the monologue. I thought that your use of the space was effective, not very purposeful but that was masked by your incredibly confident gait, which was also very nice characterization. I thought that the dynamics in your tone of voice and volume conveyed the emotion of the performance very well. There were definitely points where your articulation could've been better and you stuttered slightly but all of that is understandable. Very nice performance. (SB)
You had a good use of gesture that felt natural and nicely developed the dialogue. I think you had a good understanding of the character and embodied her well as she seemed natural and believable. You could try and think about the articulation particularly on the ends of words for improved clarity. But very well done! (CC)
Enjoyed your monologue very much felt like the characteristics of the character was very well thought through and performed. Also I loved the interaction with your partner. Projection and articulation are what slipped away thought the monologue, this is really key, and can be helped by finding a chest resistance. (RC)
Your delivery really helped when communicating your character's thoughts, intentions and feelings to the audience. I really enjoyed your use of movement. It felt purposeful and it allowed the audience to walk through your memories with you. (SMG)