Peer To Peer Feedback
The place to save your Peer-to-Peer feedback for each other.
Elizabeth Hillier
- Your positioning is very good when your still - makes u look confident
- your eyeline and projection is great
- make sure you extend you legs fully - otherwise they look bent and it makes you look messy!
- try and not sickle your feet.
- Lottie M
- Your physical skills were all really impressive especially your flexibility in your jumps and leg extensions
- you had a really nice use of upper back in the beginning of your solo
- Try and use your eyeline and focus more to engage with the audience
Anna M
- your transitions between floor work and standing up were smooth and effortless
- try to include some sharper movements between the flowy ones to create a contrast
- good eyeline, you made a connection with the audience
- included lots of impressive physical skills to show off to the audience (e.g. the fouettés and high extensions)
- try not to look at others onstage when dancing, makes you look unsure
Saff H
- you're turns are amazing they looked really neat, showing off good technique
- you're use of levels were really good incorperating lots of floor work
- focus on improving your eyeline decide when to look at the audience
- Katie