WUTHERING HEIGHTS - Shared Review Notes
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The books on sticks to create the illusion of birds was clever.
Use of puppetry for animals (use of bones for the dogs) and children.
The use of the glass panel that had functional windows allowed the actors to bring the scene to life whilst being a physical representation of the motif of isolation and separation that runs throughout the entire play.
The use of yellow ropes frequently throughout the play - specifically in the scene with young Catherine and Heathcliff
A long stick with an open book stuck on the end to create flying birds
The blossom trees and petals falling down at the end we’re lovely to watch. I especially took pleasure in watching the characters interact with the petals. It connoted a sense of new beginnings and a natural conclusion to the storyline.
Puppets for children - separated into torso and head, and an arm
Props were both functional to present character such as the doctor's bag but also used to show character and emotion such as Catherine's whip portraying her violence and rage as well as possibly her desire to control others and her own future - wishes to manipulate Edgar Linton and Heathcliffe to get her way and have everything. Plus, Heathcliffe's prop of a book illustrates his thirst for knowledge and his desire to better himself and thus his situation.
The use of blackboards with the name of each character as they passed away was effective as it helped the audience keep up to date with the story line and which characters were still included in the production.
When the doll puppets where being used to represent the characters as children, they linked the two characters together by either having the character hood their puppet or them both wearing something in common. One example is when heithcliff and Catherine were playing and had foliage crowns on so did the actors even when not holding their doll.
Use of a ladder which allowed different height and proxemic throughout the show and puppets to represent the children characters. Books on sticks which were to represent birds.
the puppets had one arm that was detached and used as if it were a normal arm, gave the actors more control over their movements.
Big lollipop used for little linton, showing his immaturity.
Props were thrown about, creating an interesting visual effect and often added to the comedy. Props were used both symbolically and literally. The rope was really interesting, and created really cool movements with the pulling, spinning, jumping, and moving under and around
lovely use of the book being wrapped as a present to symbolise the love between the two characters