WUTHERING HEIGHTS - Shared Review Notes
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Acting Choices
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The actress who played Katherine chose to have a spritely edge to her gait and she employed her throat resonance to project her bold and strong vocals. This being said when singing her voice was often soft and whispy when she switched from playing the ghost of Katherine to the Katherine that was in besotted with Heathcliff.
The Actor who played Heathcliff was very bound and used strong low vocals towards the end of the play to create a sense of dominance. he was quite scary because of this.
Actor who played Little Linton and Isabella were the same. They were very over the top and dramatic definitely showing where little Linton gets his genes from, the engaged and interacted with the audience, very hilarious and comedic characters
The actor playing Hareton used his physicality masterfully to show the tough and strong exterior of his character and how this completely changed when he was around Kathy. He always stood with his arms firm at his side with clenched fists along with a strong posture and weighted stance showing his strength and readiness to be aggressive or resort to violence. Alternatively, when he goes to tell Kathy about how he can now read or when he goes to give her the flower, he is vulnerable; therefore, he adopts a more relaxed posture with more free gestures and more free movement around the space.
Little Linton used a mixture of both head and chest resonance, whilst having an all-together high pitch. He would exaggerate his movements, particularly with his right leg that he would have dangling at his side, and whine frequently. His recurring shadow gesture was playing with his bow tie. When encountering Heathcliff, his body posture would shrink inwards and he would quiver (quite exaggeratedly). His li would also quiver.
Isabella would frequently skip along stage, whilst having an upright pusture and a raised head, to show her sophistication and elevation in high society.
Kathy would contort her body in ways which were deemed unnatural and unappealing, adding eerieness yet intrigued the audience. When she was a part of the essemble, she was engaged in everything Heathcliff had to say, tilting her head where her body remained limp on the floor.
Cathy's body language changed throughout when her character started to change, she was more playful with an open gait at the beginning, near the end when she was on stage as a ghost she was sat curled up and sort of hunched and observed the actors who were still alive to represent she was dead
Heathcliff was sturdy, with an upright posture. His gait was determined, but also slow which became quite intimidating.
The general choices made were very bold, dramatic and full of character. Each character was slightly exaggerated, emphasising the characterisation which I think helped with all the multi-roling. Additionally, they were all full of emotion and focused on storytelling throughout.
Katy Owen plays Isabella and she begins playing by playing her extremely giggly and girly with a high pitch voice and a bouncy, energetic physical quality as she is young, naïve and flirty with Heathcliff. However, as the play continues we see her in her abusive, broken relationship with Heathcliff and this youthful innocence disappears and her vocal quality becomes slightly lower in pitch and her voice has more gravitas (but she still speaks with a relatively high and winey pitch) and physically she loses the spring in her step but maintains good posture and an open gate throughout as if she is trying to maintain her integrity.