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As the game design document describes we will need two images for the two game objects. Such images are called sprites in GameMaker. There is a lot to know about sprites but, for the
moment, simply think of them as little images which we will display in our game.
For making these images you can use any drawing program you like, for example the paint program that is part of any Windows system, but GameMaker also has a built-in sprite editor for this purpose.
Creating nice-looking sprites is an art that requires a lot of practice, but fortunately there are large collections of images of all sorts available for free. By searching the web and you are bound to find images in
large quantities, but make sure you read and follow the licences that accompany them before including them in any of your games.
For our little game we use the following two sprites, which can be found in the Catch The Clown Assets folder that comes with this tutorial:
The clown: The wall:
To add these sprites to the game we proceed as follows:
- From the Resources drop down menu at the top of the main GameMaker window, choose Create Sprite. The Sprite Properties form appears, like the one shown below.
- Click on the Name field where currently is says sprite0 (the default name for the sprite). Rename it to "spr_clown".
- Click on the Load Sprite button. This opens a file browser.
- Navigate to the Catch The Clown Assets folder that came with this tutorial and selected the image file clown.png. The sprite properties should now look like this:
- Press the OK button to close the form.
You should also now set the sprite origin to its center. The origin is the point at which GameMaker: Studio will draw the sprite in the game room, and all you have to do here is press the button
marked Center to place the draw origin at the center of the sprite. You should also change the collision mask of the sprite to be the full image and a circle as we will want it to bounce later and
this mask shape will give the best results. The collision mask is what GameMaker: Studio will use to base all the collisions between different instances off of and as such it enables you to give a complex
sprite a simple collision shape, as you can see in this image:
Next we will add the wall object in the same way:
- From the Resources menu, choose Create Sprite. Click on the Name field and rename it to "spr_wall".
- Click on the Load Sprite button and select the image file wall.png.
- Press the OK button to close the form.
No need to change the origin, nor the collision mask for this sprite as they are fine as they are.
As you might have noticed, the clown and wall sprite have now appeared in the list of resources at the left of the Game Maker window. Here you will always find all the sprites, sounds, objects, rooms, etc... that
you have created for your game. Together we call them the resources, or assets, of the game and they form part of what is known as Resource Tree.
You can select a resource from the tree by clicking on its name, and then you can use the Edit menu to change the resource, duplicate it, or delete it. Right-clicking on the resource name will show
a similar menu, and is often quicker to use. Note that this overview of resources will become crucial when you are creating more complicated games.
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