The next Benchmark will take place in the final 2 weeks of term and will have 2 elements: (WB 7th and 14th Dec)
1) 1.5hr Paper-based handwritten test that will be conducted in a lesson. It will consist of calculations and short answer describe/explain style questions.
2) 1.5hr Online Multiple choice and longer (6mark) explain style questions.
The tests will be slightly different for cohort A and B and are being carefully written so that we can be sure that they are fair and of the same difficulty, whilst ensuring that cheating amongst friends will have as little impact as possible
The paper-based test will cover content from both years of the course BUT will be focused on year 2 content (Circular Motion, SHM Gravitational Fields, Electric Fields, Thermal, Gases, Radioactivity, Nuclear.)
The online test will have questions that are equally spread across both years of the course.
It should be noted that this test will be a "significant data point" if we are required to produce "Centre Assessed Grades". we will be normalising the scores when producing grades so helping someone else may disadvantage you.
You will be told the exact lessons your test will take place by your class teachers in the next week or so.