WUTHERING HEIGHTS - Shared Review Notes
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The actor playing Heathcliff employed His chest resonance whilst speaking and he had a strong and authoritative tone with a clear dialect.
The character of Frances had a strong colloquial accent to showcase the difference in background between her and Hindley.
Cathy employed an earthy growl during her song
The actor playing Little Linton employed their head resonance, upwards inflection and elongation to connote a youthful childish and spoilt tone.
Accents were Yorkshire, Heathcliif’s accent was kind of a mix and hard to specify which one. Hindley had a very rough and masculine voice contrasting Little Linton’s childish and near feminine voice
Cathy adopted a soft tone, using her head resonance areas to connote her softness and amiability; however, she also uses her throat resonance in a strained manner to connote her desperateness towards Heathcliffe. This contrasted originally with Harenton's aggressive tone and chest resonance connoting his strength and aggression. However, when they come together at the end both of their voices change. Both of them utilise more inflection and a greater range denoting their freedom after Heathcliffe's death through the freedom of their voice compared to how it was previously.
Heathcliff used his chest resonance, especially when shouting or during song
The contrast in Hinchcliffes voice from the beginning of the play to the end changed as he started with little status or respect and therefore was more introverted and based in his head resonance, whereas as the play continues he gains more power and authority, resulting in using his head resonance and an assertive dominant tone.
The accent was clearly Yorkshire, but Heathcliff's was quite hard to pin down. I don't know if that was a choice, or if he just struggled with the accent. My theory is that he is irish, doing a Yorkshire accent and adding a hint of European (maybe spanish) to add character. There were a lot of moments of chest resonance employed in parts by people like Hindley and Heathcliff when they wanted to be indimidating and show their domination.